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Every Monday

22:00 -22:30

Join Amanda every Monday for a live Facebook and Youtube show! She'll be sharing her ADHD experience and discussing different ADHD topics, as well as providing helpful tips. If you're looking to gain a better understanding of ADHD, or just want to hear about someone's personal journey with the condition, this is the show for you.

Past Episodes

直播題目:  父母逃避給孩子確診及治療ADHD的後果

直播題目: 父母逃避給孩子確診及治療ADHD的後果

作為父母,是否擔心給孩子確診ADHD會帶來標籤或負面影響?但逃避這一步可能會帶來更嚴重的後果!在這段影片中,我們深入探討父母逃避給孩子確診和治療ADHD可能引致的種種影響,並分享如何做出更好的選擇來支持孩子的健康成長。 無論你是懷疑孩子可能有ADHD的家長,還是已經確診的孩子的家屬,這段影片都不容錯過!立即觀看重播,了解如何更好地應對這一挑戰,並幫助你的孩子實現更好的成長。 #ADHD診斷 #親子關係 #精神健康 #育兒策略 #香港 #Amanda分享 #ADHD教育 Replay: The Consequences of Parents Avoiding ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment for Their Children As a parent, are you worried that getting an ADHD diagnosis for your child might lead to stigma or negative effects? However, avoiding this step could result in even more serious consequences! In this video, we dive deep into the potential impacts of parents avoiding an ADHD diagnosis and treatment for their children and share strategies for making better decisions to support your child’s healthy development. Whether you are a parent suspecting your child might have ADHD or a family member of a diagnosed child, this video is a must-watch! Tune in to the replay now to learn how to better navigate this challenge and help your child achieve better growth. #ADHDDiagnosis #ParentChildRelationship #MentalHealth #ParentingTips #HongKong #AmandaSharing #ADHDEducation
直播題目:益生菌對 ADHD 有用嗎?

直播題目:益生菌對 ADHD 有用嗎?

【重播】益生菌對 ADHD 有用嗎? 你是否聽說過益生菌可能對 ADHD 有幫助?但它真的有效嗎?這段重播將深入探討這個熱門話題,揭開益生菌與 ADHD 之間的關聯,更討論水克菲爾對 ADHD 有益的研究。由我,Amanda,一位成功掌控 ADHD 並擁有認證的 ADHD 教練,分享最新的研究結果和實用建議。 無論你是 ADHD 患者、家屬,還是對此主題感興趣的朋友,這段影片都不容錯過!立即觀看重播,學習如何有效利用益生菌來管理 ADHD。記得分享給需要的朋友和家人,讓更多人受益! #益生菌 #ADHD治療 #精神健康 #健康生活 #Amanda分享 #香港 [Replay] Do Probiotics Help with ADHD? Have you heard that probiotics might help with ADHD? But is it really effective? This replay dives deep into this popular topic, uncovering the connection between probiotics and ADHD, and discussing research on the benefits of water kefir for ADHD. Hosted by me, Amanda—a certified ADHD coach who has successfully managed ADHD—I share the latest research findings and practical advice. Whether you are an ADHD patient, a family member, or simply interested in this topic, this video is a must-watch! Tune in to the replay now to learn how to effectively use probiotics to manage ADHD. Remember to share this with friends and family who might benefit! #Probiotics #ADHDTreatment #MentalHealth #HealthyLiving #AmandaSharing #HongKong
直播題目:「如何停止焦慮」How to Stop Anxiety

直播題目:「如何停止焦慮」How to Stop Anxiety

你是否曾經感到心跳加速、呼吸急促,甚至無法入睡?Amanda 最近經歷了焦慮症發作,深深感受到其中的困擾。她知道,可能有很多人正在經歷相似的情況。因此,Amanda 希望在這段重播中,分享一些專家建議及她個人的應對方法,幫助大家更好地面對和克服焦慮。 在這次影片中,你將學到: 專家建議:了解焦慮的根源及科學方法來應對。 個人經驗:Amanda 親身經歷的焦慮應對技巧和實用方法。 互動問答:回答觀眾提問,提供個性化建議。 無論你正在面對焦慮,還是想了解更多相關知識,這段影片都不容錯過!立即觀看,學習如何有效管理和克服焦慮。 記得分享給需要的朋友和家人,讓更多人受益! Have you ever felt your heart race, your breath quicken, or found yourself unable to sleep? Recently, Amanda experienced an anxiety attack and deeply understands the struggle. She knows that many others might be going through similar situations. In this replay, Amanda shares expert advice and her personal coping methods to help you better manage and overcome anxiety. In this video, you will learn: Expert Advice: Understand the roots of anxiety and scientific methods to address it. Personal Experience: Amanda's firsthand techniques and practical methods for managing anxiety. Interactive Q&A: Answers to viewer questions and personalized advice. Whether you're facing anxiety yourself or want to learn more about it, this video is a must-watch! Tune in now to learn how to effectively manage and overcome anxiety. Remember to share this video with friends and family who might benefit! #letstalkADHD #Live #ADHD #ADD #ADHDer #分享 #成人 #直播預告 #ADHD #ADHD關注 #分享 #學習 #成長 #ADHD社群 #分享經驗 #ADHDer的世界 #今晚10點見 #生活改善 #健康生活 #ADHD友好 #直播分享 #藥物治療 #健康研究 #直播分享 #ADHD治療 #精神健康 #ADHD認識 #焦慮管理 #直播預告 #Amanda分享 #心理健康 #抗壓技巧
直播題目:「ADHD 6大法則助你獨立生活」6 Essential Rules for Living Independently with ADHD

直播題目:「ADHD 6大法則助你獨立生活」6 Essential Rules for Living Independently with ADHD

是否錯過了我們精彩的直播?不用擔心,現在就來觀看「ADHD 6大法則助你獨立生活」的重播吧! 這集影片將幫助你了解如何在職業、約會、財務管理和與室友相處方面成功應對ADHD挑戰,實現真正的獨立生活。 在這段影片中,我,Amanda,一位成功掌控ADHD並擁有認證的ADHD教練,將分享: 此外,我還分享了針對年輕人父母的寶貴建議,幫助他們支持孩子順利過渡到獨立生活。 立即觀看重播,學習這些實用的法則,讓ADHD不再是生活的絆腳石!記得分享給朋友和家人,讓更多人受益。 #ADHD治療 #獨立生活 #職業發展 #財務管理 #人際關係 #重播 #AmandaADHD教練 #LetsTalkADHD Missed Our Live Session? Watch the Replay of "6 Essential Rules for Living Independently with ADHD" Now! Did you miss our insightful live session? No worries! You can now watch the replay of "6 Essential Rules for Living Independently with ADHD." This video will guide you on how to navigate career choices, dating, financial management, and living with roommates, helping you overcome ADHD challenges and achieve true independence. In this video, I, Amanda, a certified ADHD coach who has successfully managed ADHD, will share: Additionally, I offer valuable advice for parents of young adults, helping them support their children in transitioning to independent living. Watch the replay now to learn these practical rules and ensure ADHD doesn't hold you back in life. Remember to share this video with friends and family to spread the benefits. #ADHDTreatment #IndependentLiving #CareerDevelopment #FinancialManagement #InterpersonalRelationships #Replay #AmandaADHDCoach #LetsTalkADHD
直播題目:「使用ADHD藥物可降低死亡和住院的風險 」Using ADHD Medication Can Reduce the Risk of Death and Hospitalization

直播題目:「使用ADHD藥物可降低死亡和住院的風險 」Using ADHD Medication Can Reduce the Risk of Death and Hospitalization

別錯過我們深度剖析ADHD藥物對降低死亡和住院風險影響的直播節目!如果您或您身邊的人正面臨是否使用ADHD藥物的抉擇,這場直播將為您提供重要的見解。🔍💡 根據最新的大型研究,ADHD藥物使用不僅能夠將死亡風險降低19%,還能大幅減少50%的用藥過量風險,並且有助於降低住院治療的需要。這些數據背後隱藏了哪些意義?對於ADHD患者的日常生活又有何種影響?🧬💊 最後 Amanda 還會分享了 Dr. Russell A. Barkley 治療ADHD最佳的方法及成功管理 ADHD 小貼士。 無論您是ADHD患者、家屬、教育或醫療專業人士,這場直播都將提供不可或缺的資訊。 Don't miss our in-depth live analysis on how ADHD medication can reduce the risks of death and hospitalization! If you or someone close to you is contemplating the use of ADHD medication, this live stream will offer critical insights. 🔍💡 Recent large-scale studies show that the use of ADHD medication can not only decrease the risk of death by 19% but also significantly reduce the risk of medication overdose by 50%, and help lower the need for hospitalization. What do these findings mean? And how do they impact the daily lives of those with ADHD? 🧬💊 Furthermore, Amanda will share Dr. Russell A. Barkley's best practices for treating ADHD along with successful tips for managing ADHD. Whether you're an individual with ADHD, a family member, an educator, or a healthcare professional, this live stream will provide indispensable information. #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:「處理ADHD拖延的策略 」Conquer Procrastination: ADHD Management Strategies Live!

直播題目:「處理ADHD拖延的策略 」Conquer Procrastination: ADHD Management Strategies Live!

您是否厭倦了似乎伴隨ADHD而來的無休止拖延循環?您不是一個人!今晚10點,加入我們轉變性的直播節目「處理ADHD拖延的策略」,我們將賦予您實用的生活改變技巧和洞見。 在本次直播中,我們將深入探討: ADHD與拖延的根源: 了解ADHD與拖延之間的複雜聯繫,以及為什麼傳統的時間管理策略經常效果不彰。 為ADHD量身定制的有效策略: 探索針對ADHD個體獨特挑戰的策略,幫助您擺脫拖延的束縛。 工具與技巧: 學習能夠提升您的生產力和動力的工具和技巧,讓拖延成為過去。 這場直播活動非常適合ADHD個體、教育工作者、家庭成員,以及任何希望探索克服拖延證明方法的人。無論您是尋求改善自己的生活還是支持ADHD者,您都將在這裡找到寶貴的知識和策略。 不要再讓拖延控制您的生活。 開啟直播,獲取您需要的工具,一起開啟這趟提升任務處理方式和生產力的旅程。 訂閱並點擊鈴鐺圖標, 以便於獲取我們所有未來直播的最新訊息,深入ADHD管理和賦能的世界。 #ADHD #拖延 #管理策略 #直播 #生產力 #自我提升 Are you tired of the endless cycle of procrastination that seems to accompany ADHD? You're not alone! Join us tonight at 10 PM for our transformative live program, "Strategies for Managing ADHD Procrastination," designed to empower you with practical, life-changing techniques and insights. In this session, we'll dive deep into: The Roots of ADHD & Procrastination: Understand the intricate link between ADHD and procrastination, and why conventional time management strategies often fall short. Effective Strategies Tailored for ADHD: Discover tailored strategies that address the unique challenges faced by individuals with ADHD, helping you to break free from procrastination's grip. Tools & Techniques: Learn about tools and techniques that can boost your productivity and motivation, making procrastination a thing of the past. This live event is perfect for individuals with ADHD, educators, family members, and anyone who wishes to explore proven methods to overcome procrastination. Whether you're seeking to improve your own life or support someone with ADHD, you'll find valuable knowledge and strategies here. Don't let procrastination control your life any longer. Tune in to gain the tools you need to transform your approach to tasks and productivity. Set a reminder now, and let's embark on this journey to productivity and self-improvement together. Subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay updated on all our future broadcasts and dive into a world of ADHD management and empowerment. #ADHD #Procrastination #ManagementStrategies #LiveStream #Productivity #SelfImprovement
直播題目:「設定ADHD友好的新一年目標」Setting ADHD-Friendly Goals for the New Year - Unveiling Practical Strategies!

直播題目:「設定ADHD友好的新一年目標」Setting ADHD-Friendly Goals for the New Year - Unveiling Practical Strategies!

歡迎加入我們的最新直播節目「設定ADHD友好的新一年目標」,專為那些與ADHD共舞的朋友們設計!在這個節目中,我們將一起探索如何設定適合ADHD個體的新年目標,並分享實用的策略和技巧來幫助你在2024年取得成功。 🔹 何謂ADHD友好目標? 我們將深入討論ADHD如何影響目標設定和達成過程,並介紹如何根據ADHD的獨特挑戰設定合適的目標。 🔹 SMART目標轉化:學習將你的願望轉化為具體、可衡量、可實現、相關且有時限的SMART目標,並進行ADHD友好的調整。 🔹 實用策略分享:我們將分享一系列實用的策略和工具,從時間管理到情緒調節,幫助你克服ADHD在目標追求過程中可能遇到的挑戰。 無論你是ADHD的個體、家屬、朋友還是專業人士,這個直播節目都將為你提供寶貴的見解和技巧。一起來創造一個充滿成就和喜悅的新年吧! #letstalkADHD #Live #ADHD #ADD #ADHDer #分享 #成人 #直播預告 #ADHD #ADHD關注 #分享 #學習 #成長 #ADHD社群 #分享經驗 #ADHDer的世界 #今晚10點見 #新年目標 #ADHD友好 #直播分享 #正能量 Join us for our latest live broadcast, "Setting ADHD-Friendly Goals for the New Year," tailored specifically for those dancing with ADHD! In this program, we'll explore setting suitable New Year's goals for individuals with ADHD and share practical strategies and tips to help you achieve success in 2024. 🔹 What are ADHD-Friendly Goals? We'll dive deep into how ADHD affects the goal-setting and attainment process and introduce how to set appropriate goals based on ADHD's unique challenges. 🔹 Transforming into SMART Goals: Learn to transform your aspirations into Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals with ADHD-friendly adjustments. 🔹 Sharing Practical Strategies: We'll share a range of practical strategies and tools, from time management to emotional regulation, to help you overcome the challenges ADHD might present in the pursuit of your goals. Whether you're an individual with ADHD, a family member, a friend, or a professional, this live broadcast will provide you with valuable insights and techniques. Let's create a year filled with achievements and joy together! #letstalkADHD #Live #ADHD #ADD #ADHDer #Sharing #Adults #LivePreview #ADHDAwareness #Sharing #Learning #Growth #ADHDCommunity #ExperienceSharing #WorldOfADHDer #SeeYouTonightAt10 #NewYearGoals #ADHDFriendly #LiveSharing #Positivity
直播題目:「ADHD最常見的情緒障礙」Unveiling the Most Common Emotional Disorders in ADHD

直播題目:「ADHD最常見的情緒障礙」Unveiling the Most Common Emotional Disorders in ADHD

在這次的直播中,我們將: 1. 揭示ADHD患者常遇到的情緒障礙 2. 分享處理和控制這些情緒障礙的策略 3. 為患有ADHD的人及其親友提供實用的建議 無論你是受ADHD影響的人,或是希望更了解這種狀況的人,這場直播都是你必看的節目。準備好獲取可以幫助你更順利應對這些挑戰的洞見。 記得按讚、分享,並訂閱我們的頻道以獲得更多關於ADHD管理的內容。在下方留言區寫下你對影片的想法或你的個人經驗。我們正在這裡建立一個支持性的社區,你的故事很重要! In this live broadcast, we will: 1. Unravel the frequent emotional disorders encountered by individuals with ADHD 2. Share strategies for handling and controlling these emotional disorders 3. Provide practical advice for those living with ADHD and their loved ones This live stream is a must-watch for anyone affected by ADHD or looking to understand more about this condition. Get ready to gain insights that can help you navigate these challenges more smoothly. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more content on ADHD management. Leave a comment below about your thoughts on the video or your personal experiences. We're growing a supportive community here, and your stories matter! #ADHD #ADHD直播 #情緒障礙 #ADHD管理 #ADHD支持 #ADHD社區 #ADHD洞見 #ADHD #ADHDLive #EmotionalDisorders #ADHDManagement #ADHDSupport #ADHDCommunity #ADHDInsights #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:如何克服籌辦ADHD關注周的執行能力挑戰 Overcoming Executive Function Challenges in Organizing ADHD Awareness Week

直播題目:如何克服籌辦ADHD關注周的執行能力挑戰 Overcoming Executive Function Challenges in Organizing ADHD Awareness Week

在這影片中,讓我們跟隨Amanda,聆聽她成功籌劃ADHD關注周的個人旅程。儘管她有ADHD,但她成功地克服了這種病症常帶來的執行功能挑戰,使活動取得成功。 在這場直播中,您將學習到: 1. 克服執行功能挑戰的實用策略 2. 在患有ADHD的情況下組織大型活動的見解 3. Amanda的個人經驗和建議 這段影片對於有ADHD的人以及任何有興趣學習如何應對生活挑戰的人來說,都是必看的。你的掙扎可能有所不同,但克服的策略可以類似地應用。 記得按讚、分享並訂閱我們的頻道以獲得更多關於ADHD管理的內容。在下面的評論區留下你對影片的想法或你的個人經驗。我們在這裡建立一個支持性社群,你的故事很重要! #ADHD直播 #ADHD #ADHD關注 #克服挑戰 #執行功能 #ADHD建議 #ADHD管理 #ADHD支持 #ADHD社群 #ADHD策略 #ADHD關注周 In this special edition of our ADHD Live Stream, we delve into the challenges faced while planning an ADHD Awareness Week and the strategies to overcome them. Join Amanda as she shares her personal journey of successfully organizing an ADHD Awareness Week event. Despite her ADHD, she managed to overcome the executive function challenges that often come with the condition, leading to the success of the event. In this live stream, you'll learn: 1. Practical strategies for overcoming executive function challenges 2. Insights into organizing a large-scale event while managing ADHD 3. Amanda's personal experience and tips This video is a must-watch for those with ADHD, as well as anyone interested in learning how to navigate life's challenges. Your struggle might be different, but the strategies to overcome can be similarly applied. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more content on ADHD management. Leave a comment below about your thoughts on the video or your personal experiences. We're growing a supportive community here, and your stories matter! #ADHDLive #ADHD #ADHDAwareness #OvercomingChallenges #ExecutiveFunction #ADHDTips #ADHDManagement #ADHDSupport #ADHDCommunity #ADHDStrategies #ADHDAwarenessWeek #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:「如何利用快樂心態掌握ADHD」Mastering ADHD with a Joyful Mindset

直播題目:「如何利用快樂心態掌握ADHD」Mastering ADHD with a Joyful Mindset

歡迎來到我們的ADHD直播節目,我們將深入探討"如何用快樂心態掌握ADHD"的強大概念。這個節目特別為與ADHD抗爭的人士設計,但對於尋求提升心理健康和整體福祉的每一個人來說,也是一個寶貴的資源。 在一個像打機、購物和美食等短暫的快樂常常主導我們對快樂的追求的世界裡,我們邀請你更深入地探索。是否有一種更有實質、更持久的快樂可以賦予我們力量,特別是對於那些正在與ADHD抗爭的人來說?我們認為答案是肯定的! 在這次的直播中,我們將揭示快樂心態的轉變力量。我們將探討這種方法如何不僅幫助管理ADHD的症狀,還可以提升我們的生活品質。這不僅僅是關於打敗ADHD,更是關於如何在ADHD的影響下繼續繁榮生活。 無論你是一個有ADHD的人,還是任何對改善心理健康感興趣的人,我們相信你將在這次直播中找到有價值的見解。邀請你加入我們這個關於自我認識、個人成長和快樂生活的啟發之旅。 別忘了按讚、分享、訂閱,並設定提醒參加我們的直播。準備好改變你的生活吧! #ADHD #生活快樂 #直播節目 #心理健康 #積極心態 #ADHD的管理 #自我幫助 Welcome to our enlightening ADHD Live Stream event, where we explore the powerful concept of "Mastering ADHD with a Joyful Mindset." This is especially designed for those grappling with ADHD, but it's also a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their mental health and overall well-being. In a world where temporary pleasures like gaming, shopping, and food often dominate our pursuit of happiness, we invite you to delve deeper. Is there a more substantial, long-lasting form of joy that can empower us, especially those battling ADHD? We say, yes! In this live stream, we will unveil the transformative power of a joyful mindset. We'll explore how this approach can not only help manage ADHD symptoms but also enhance our overall quality of life. It's not just about fighting ADHD; it's about thriving in spite of it. Whether you're an individual with ADHD or anyone interested in improving mental wellness, we believe you'll find valuable insights in this live stream. Join us in this enlightening journey of self-awareness, personal growth, and joyful living. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and set a reminder to join us live. Get ready to change your life for the better! #ADHD #LifeJoy #LiveStream #MentalHealth #PositiveMindset #ADHDManagement #SelfHelp #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:「如何培養有用的習慣」Mastering Your Life: How to Cultivate Useful Habits

直播題目:「如何培養有用的習慣」Mastering Your Life: How to Cultivate Useful Habits

開啟你真正潛力的直播:「如何培養有用的習慣」。這個節目專為與多動症對抗的人士設計,但對於任何希望簡化生活和提高效率的人來說,也是一個寶貴的資源。 多動症往往讓人感到不堪重負和精疲力竭,但事實並非如此。通過建立有效的習慣和例行公事,你可以將精力導向真正重要的事情,而不是不斷地應付各種任務。這就是培養習慣的力量。 在這次的直播中,我們將深入探討8種強大的策略,以培養新的、有益的習慣。這些策略不僅能幫助你管理多動症的症狀,還能提升你的整體生活品質。 無論你是在與多動症對抗,還是只是希望改變自己的生活習慣,我們相信你能在這場直播中找到寶貴的信息。記得設定提醒,和我們一起在這場旅程中學習和成長! Unlock your potential with our live stream: "How to Cultivate Useful Habits". This program is specifically designed for individuals grappling with ADHD, but it's also a valuable resource for anyone seeking to streamline their life and boost productivity. ADHD can often leave one feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, but it doesn't have to be this way. By building effective habits and routines, you can direct your energy towards truly important matters rather than constantly juggling tasks. This is the power of habit cultivation. In this live stream, we will delve into 8 powerful strategies for fostering new, beneficial habits. These strategies will not only help manage ADHD symptoms but also enhance your overall quality of life. Whether you're battling with ADHD or simply looking to change your life habits, we believe you'll find valuable insights in this live stream. Remember to set a reminder, and join us on this journey of learning and growth! #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:「ADHD 及 MBTI 16型人格的微妙關係」The Subtle Relationship Between ADHD and the MBTI 16 Personality Types

直播題目:「ADHD 及 MBTI 16型人格的微妙關係」The Subtle Relationship Between ADHD and the MBTI 16 Personality Types

你是否曾好奇,為何某些 MBTI 人格類型的人似乎比其他人更容易出現 ADHD 的症狀?或者,你是否曾經疑惑,你的 ADHD 症狀是否與你的 MBTI 人格類型有關?在這一集裡,我們將深入分析 ADHD 和 MBTI 人格類型,並探索兩者之間的相互作用。 無論你是希望瞭解更多關於 ADHD 的知識,還是想更深入地了解你的 MBTI 人格類型,或者你只是對心理學感到好奇,我們都歡迎你加入我們的直播節目。 不要忘記訂閱我們的頻道,並開啟通知鈴鐺,以便你不會錯過我們的每一次直播。你也可以與我們的大家庭一起在評論區分享你的想法和經驗,我們非常期待你的參與! 一起來揭開 ADHD 與 MBTI 人格類型之間微妙的神秘面紗吧!我們在直播節目中見! Have you ever wondered why individuals with certain MBTI personality types seem to exhibit ADHD symptoms more often than others? Or have you questioned whether your ADHD symptoms are related to your MBTI personality type? In this episode, we delve into an in-depth analysis of ADHD and MBTI personality types, exploring the intricate interplay between the two. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of ADHD, gain more insight into your MBTI personality type, or you're just intrigued by psychology, we welcome you to join our live-streamed series. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you won't miss any of our broadcasts. We also encourage you to engage with our community by sharing your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. We're eager to hear from you! Join us in unveiling the subtle mysteries between ADHD and MBTI personality types! We'll see you in the livestream! #ADHD #MBTI #心理學 #直播節目 #MBTI #Psychology #Livestream #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:「Barbie與女性ADHD患者的覺醒」The Awakening of Barbie and Women with ADHD

直播題目:「Barbie與女性ADHD患者的覺醒」The Awakening of Barbie and Women with ADHD

🔥🔥歡迎來到我們的ADHD直播節目《Barbie與女性ADHD患者的覺醒》!🔥🔥 你認為你了解Barbie?你認為你瞭解ADHD?那你可能需要重新思考一下!在這個節目中,我們將深入探討近期熱門的《Barbie芭比》電影中的女權主義主題,並揭示女性ADHD患者的真實經歷和掙扎。 我們的目標是打破刻板印象,提升對女性和ADHD的理解,並一起探索如何更好地支持和理解女性ADHD患者。我們將會分享來自女性ADHD患者的真實故事,並討論如何通過教育和理解來打破對女性和ADHD的刻板印象。 想知道更多?記得收看我們的直播節目!讓我們一起覺醒,一起成長! 請記得按讚、分享和訂閱我們的頻道,讓更多人了解ADHD,一起打破刻板印象! Do you think you know Barbie? Do you think you understand ADHD? It might be time to rethink! In this session, we'll delve into the feminist themes in the recent hit movie "Barbie" and reveal the real experiences and struggles of women with ADHD. Our goal is to break stereotypes, enhance understanding of women and ADHD, and explore how to better support and understand women with ADHD. We'll share real stories from women with ADHD and discuss how education and understanding can break down stereotypes about women and ADHD. Want to know more? Be sure to tune into our live session! Let's awaken and grow together! Remember to like, share, and subscribe to our channel to help spread awareness about ADHD and break down stereotypes! #ADHD覺醒 #Barbie女權 #打破刻板印象 #女性力量 #ADHDAwakening #BarbieFeminism #BreakingStereotypes #WomenEmpowerment #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
直播題目:「提升 ADHDer 職場軟實力」Enhancing Soft Skills for ADHDers in the Workplace

直播題目:「提升 ADHDer 職場軟實力」Enhancing Soft Skills for ADHDers in the Workplace

身處於競爭激烈的職場,有時可能讓我們感到壓力山大,尤其是對於擁有 ADHD(專注力失調及過度活躍症)的我們,可能會遇到更多的挑戰。但別擔心,「提升 ADHDer 職場軟實力」這節目,是專為你打造的。 本節目旨在專業且實際的方式中,為 ADHDer 提供職場中的寶貴建議與策略,尤其是關於軟實力的提升,如溝通技巧、團隊協作能力、時間管理、問題解決技巧以及領導力等,讓你能在職場上游刃有餘,達到更好的工作表現。 Amanda 是具有豐富經驗的專業人士,他們將分享自己的心路歷程,以及他們如何成功克服 ADHD 帶來的挑戰,以協助你在職場中獲得更多的信心和動力。 我們的直播節目還有許多實用的練習和互動環節,讓你能立即將所學的知識運用到你的日常工作中。 這是一場專屬 ADHDer 的軟實力革命,讓我們攜手打破職場框架,共同為未來開創嶄新的可能。 In the highly competitive landscape of the modern workplace, the pressure can often seem overwhelming, especially for those of us living with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). However, don't worry, the live session "Enhancing Soft Skills for ADHDers in the Workplace" is designed just for you. This program aims to offer valuable advice and strategies for ADHDers in the workplace in a professional and practical way. We focus especially on enhancing soft skills such as communication techniques, teamwork abilities, time management, problem-solving strategies, and leadership skills. This empowers you to excel in the workplace, leading to improved work performance. Amanda, our host, is a seasoned professional with vast experience. She will share her personal journey, revealing how she successfully overcame the challenges brought on by ADHD. Her experience will offer insights to help boost your confidence and motivation in the workplace. Our live session also includes many practical exercises and interactive segments, enabling you to apply the knowledge learned directly to your daily work. This is a soft skills revolution dedicated to ADHDers. Let's break the mold of the traditional workplace together and pioneer new possibilities for the future. #ADHDer #軟實力 #職場策略 #時間管理 #溝通技巧 #領導力 #問題解決技巧 #團隊協作 #YouTube直播 #提升ADHDer職場軟實力 #SoftSkills #WorkplaceStrategies #TimeManagement #CommunicationSkills #LeadershipSkills #ProblemSolving #Teamwork #LiveSession #EnhancingSoftSkillsForADHDers #專注力不足及過度活躍症 #專注力 #活躍症 #專注力不足過度 #活躍症 #多動症 #過動 #成人專注力 #過度活躍 #活動量 #注意力不足 #過度活躍症 adhd #過度活躍症的 #ADHD 的 #精神科醫生 #專注力失調 #行為問題 #注意力 #集中能力 #情緒問題 #控制情緒 #執行功能 #自制能力 #統計手冊 #兒童患者 #行為治療 #研究報告 #前額葉 #發展問題 #藥物治療 #過動兒 #患者 #衝動行為 #多巴胺 #心理治療 #香港 #衝動 #腦部化學物質 #檢測表 #症 attention deficit hyperactivity #過度活躍症 attention #活躍症 attention deficit #小朋友 #家長 #診斷標準 #語言 #能力 #問題行為 #學習表現 #社交 #管教方法 #合成類別 #衝動問題 #睡眠問題 #特徵 #方面 #活動 #症狀 #attention deficit #predominantly hyperactive #adhd #Hyperactivity disorder #attention deficit hyperactivity #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #predominantly inattentive presentation #Impulsive presentation #ad hd #what is adhd #your child #deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd #of adhd #such as #children with adhd #your doctor #adhd is #your child's #with attention deficit hyperactivity #people with adhd #can help #the symptoms #of children with adhd #symptoms of adhd #diagnosed with adhd #to help your child #child #for attention deficit hyperactivity #for adhd #can help you #adults with adhd #and adults #hyperactive impulsive #behavior therapy #a child with adhd #adhd and #centers for disease control #disease control and prevention #for disease control and #adhd in #for parents #for children #specialist such as a #a specialist such as
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